Everest MA-1 Patch Editor


Download Program

  1. You will need an Unzip program such as WinZip to uncompress the program. Get it if you don't have it already.  You may want the FREE Word97 viewer from Microsoft if you don't have Word97 and you want to read the User Manual.
  2. Make sure you have the latest version of IE4 or IE5. Some older versions of IE4 and IE 5 conflict with Everest!
  3. If you have not downloaded Everest before, you must download 2 files. 
    1. The first file is Ev147.zip, which contains the last full official release of Everest. 
    2. The second is Ev14F.zip, which is a required Service Release, fixing many bugs of the official release.
    3. (The version number is in hexadecimal -- sorry for the confusion! F comes after 7, trust me!)
  4. If you have installed Everest before, you only need to download the Service Release.  Unzip all the files into the same directory as your previous installation (e.g. C:\Program Files\Everest), or copy the old everest.ini file to your new installation directory to maintain your registration. Don't uninstall Everest if you want to upgrade, because it may delete your everest.ini file and directory. 
  5. A certain version of Internet Explorer 4 has a bug that conflicts with Everest. If you get a crash by dragging programs in the bank editor, consult the Troubleshooting section.  Also, a particular version of Internet Exporer 5 caused crashes a few months ago, but doing a Windows Update in Win98 appears to fix the problem.
File Name Date Description
July 9, 2000 Service Release 3
  1. This release contains only the executable, online help file and registration information.
  2. Unzip the files into a directory such as C:\Program Files\Everest, or your previous installation directory.
  3. You should not uninstall a previous version.
(2.1 MB)
Aug. 23, 1998 Official Release
  1.  This ZIP file comes with a InstallShield installer. Contains everything you probably need (including MSVCP50 and OLEAUT32) and creates Start menu items and allows easy uninstall.  Also contains printable User guide in Word97 format! (get the FREE Word97 viewer from Microsoft)
  1. Download the file, and extract to temporary directory
  2. run SETUP.EXE
  3. Then download and zip the Service Release (above)