Mountain View had a second airfield besides Moffet Naval Station in the 1930s and 1940s. The date the airfield was first used is unknown, but since the history of flight is relatively recent, it was probably in the late 1930s. During World War II, airfields were removed from maps to prevent the information to be used by the enemy. The maps from 1945 don't even label Moffet Naval base!
The airfield was gone by 1952, replaced by an Eichler subdivision called "Fairview". Eichler placed his construction office on the corner of Middlefield Ave and Alvin St.
The 1945 AAF Airfield Directory (courtesy of Scott Murdock and Abandoned & Little-Known Airfields) described the Mountain View Airport as a 50 acre irregularly-shaped field having 2 gravel & sod runways, measuring 2,800' NNW/SSE & 2,000' east/west. The field was said to have 3 wood & metal hangars, the largest being two 80' x 55' structures. Mountain View Airport was said to be owned & operated by private interests.
From the following aerial photo graphs, one can see perhaps 12 planes on the west side of the run way, along with 2 hangar looking structures north of them. The control tower may have been located near the current intersection of Old Middlefield Ave and Middlefield Ave, near the Palo Alto border with Mountain View.
(source USGS, capture from a commercial website that had a higher resolution version of the one below)
(source USGS AR1HR0000020144,
The current location on google maps is here, with the runaway running down "Alvin Street".
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